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stone fruit expert

Stone fruit

Deep purple, dark yellow, a full red. Plums are without a doubt one of the prettiest and colorful fruits on our palette. Imported from South-Africa and Italy, a wide variety of plums in several packings. A pleasant addition to the dark winter months, the plums provide a rich doses of vitamins, minerals and fibers. And all of that in a calorie-low snack! The nectarines and peaches are coming only from South-Africa, in the beginning of winter.

stone fruit expert

our specialists stone fruit

Jan van der Voort –
Tom Kuijpers –

Quality certificates

At Anaco & Greeve International, we are fully aware of the growing importance of possessing the right certificates. Therefore, we spend our fullest attention to keeping all certification up to date. Our own as well as our suppliers.

quality certificate

We source fruit & vegetables
from all over the world

Take a quick look at the interactive world map to get some clue of the scale!

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